- Diagnostics
- Orthopedics
- Plastic surgery
- Cardiology
- Urology
- Surgery
- Endocrinology
- Eye diseases
- Neurosurgery
- Oncology
- Pediatrics
- Gynecology
- Improved hearing
Our services
Today medical tourism is not nearly the rarity: many people prefer to go for the treatment to foreign hospitals, trusting foreign doctors more than domestic ones. In our time one of the most popular places for medical treatment abroad is Israel. Medical tourism in Israel catches fire that is not surprise, after all this country is one of the leading medical centers around the world.
The Israeli medicine it is, above all, the best professionals, retraining regularly. As is known, the Israeli doctors have offered the world a lot of revolutionary workings out in the medicine field, from heart surgery to genetics and it saves explanations.
Treatment in Israel assumes also the up-to-date equipment, continuous innovations in healing process, comfortable conditions in hospitals, and also personnel observe good manners. Besides, don’t forget a wonderful climate of Israel which, according to many experts, also promotes the most different illnesses fast recover.
Israeli hospitals clients, visitors from other states, are invariably pleased with treatment results in Israel, marking among the advantages, apart from high-quality healthcare, personal approach and excellent service.
It should be noticed and it is very important for clients that Israeli medical care, unlike other countries, practically doesn’t have any language barrier - you can easily talk with doctors and staff.
In addition, it should be pointed out another attractive aspect, which can be a close argument in favor of treatment in Israel - a relatively low cost of medical care in comparison with Europe, Canada, USA, etc. clinics.
Our RDA Medical company offers a wide range of the highest quality medical services in the field of surgery, prosthetics, fileboomporn.com endocrinology, gynecology etc. Specialists are ready not only for adults, but also for children – we provide treatment services for different ages children.
RDA Medical specialists’ spheres are not only treat procedures, but also diagnostics – if necessary you can undergo a complex medical examination, and then choose a treatment program of the diseases which have been found out in the diagnostics course.
Don't forget that health is the most important human value. Health of RDA Medical clients is our profession, and, entrusting your health to us, you can rest assured that it will be in safe hands!